Q & A

Q: What drove you to become a writer at an age when most people are slowing down?

A: I had a burning passion to tell stories that had been rumbling around in my head for many years, and, when I took voluntary retirement in April 2011, finally had the time to write them down. I plan to write as long as my mind and body are willing and able, as I have many more stories to tell.

Q: How much of Molly's Moon is from personal experience?

A: I was actually in Europe, flying from Frankfurt to Amsterdam, when I learned of the 9/11 terrorists attacks. The scene in the Amsterdam Schiphol Airport is very much like what happened that fateful day. The part about flying to Mexico was pure fiction, but I was stuck in Den Bosch, the Netherlands, for five days before the U.S. Airports opened up.  My two children actually went to Baja, near Tecate, every year of high school to build homes for poor people in the area. Thankfully, the kidnapping was pure fiction.










Photo credit: Plane landing by sunrise © dutchpilot22, Early Moon © underworld, Desert cacti, Argentina - © forcdan— Fotolia.com